BEcome a member of the new martin park district association
BENEFITS OF membership
Annual membership dues are $25
Voting Rights
Members will have a vote on any issue/concern that New Martin Park District Association would like to address during community meetings, any changes or the use of any funds being spent (Bylaws Section 6.01 and 8.01). This vote also includes the election of officers for NMPDA (Bylaws Section 3.03 Voting Rights) as well as any amendments or additions to NMPDA’s bylaws.
Community Leadership
Members who request volunteers to help with clean up or have concerns in the neighborhood that they would like the community to get behind them to help resolve, will take priority over non-member residents of Martin Park.
Access to Food Pantry
Martin Park District Association members will have access to the food pantry as well as the holiday gift baskets.
Martin Park T-Shirts
Member households will receive a $5.00 discount on their purchase of a Martin Park t-shirt.
U of D: Mercy Scholarship Opportunity
Members that have their students apply for the yearly scholarship for University of Detroit Mercy will have an additional 10 points added to their scholarship application.
Neighborhood Representation
Members will be able to obtain a free window decal boasting their membership of New Martin Park District Association.
Official Membership Card
Once you become a member or renew your membership, you will receive official membership cards for all members of your household.
Annual membership dues are $25
Thank you for being a valued member of our community!